Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Kellyanne Conway Thinks Trump Is Doomed

That's the conclusion I draw from her sudden abandonment of Trump less than 3 months before the presidential election.

The prominent political propagandist and reactionary operative gave only one week public notice of her impending departure from the Trump regime at the end of August.

Conway says the reason she's abruptly leaving is so she can spend more time with her family. That's what politicians always say when they don't want to give the real reason they're giving up a plum job.

Conway's husband, rich rightwing lawyer George Conway, is simultaneously quitting the anti-Trump group he's associated with, "The Lincoln Project." .(He apparently couldn't stomach slithering onto the Trump bandwagon, as his hyper-opportunist wife did.) Kellyanne, while more intelligent than Trump, is like him in that she's a fast-talking bullshit artist. Only she's better at it than he is, thanks to her superior intelligence, which she misuses in the service of evil. And has done her entire adult life. (And probably starting in childhood.)

Kellyanne claims she wants to do more mothering. There may be something to that, insofar as the Conways' 15-year-old daughter Claudia has repeatedly sent cries from the heart into the public space bemoaning her suffering under the oppressive rule of her parents. Her parents barred her from making political comments after she demonstrated that she isn't a reactionary clone of themselves. The fact that George quit his anti-Trump group may be taken as evidence of a parental strategy, although how much time can penning an occasional anti-Trump op-ed take? Presumably George isn't quitting his law practice. Perhaps Kellyanne finagled a deal with Hubby that she's leave the Trump tent if he'd give up his anti-Trump scribbling.

But keep in mind, there can be more than one motive or cause for an action. The "need" to better suppress and brainwash her daughter, and abandoning the sinking Trump ship (as she perceives it), can BOTH be reasons she's abruptly departing the Trump camp. Associating with a loser is not Kellyanne's way. She, again like Trump, has to be a "winner."

Kellyanne Conway is a lifelong reactionary political operative.The early part of her "career" was spent advising rightwing Republicans on how to trick women into voting for the GOP, a party that denies women the right to control their own bodies. She's also a shameless opportunist and a chronic liar. All in all, a loathsome creature who has harmed humanity by her existence.

   The Wicked Witch of the White House Went WHOOSH!

For a concise 4 minute synopsis of her "career," including how she latched onto Trump after denigrating him when she was working to try and secure the GOP presidential nomination for the fanatical rightist Ted Cruz, see "Who is Kellyanne Conway – Counselor to the President."

For her infuriating propaganda and gaslighting techniques, see "Kellyanne Conway's interview tricks, explained."

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