Monday, August 12, 2019

Even DEATH Is Too Good For Jeffrey Epstein!

Amazingly, that's the attitude being transmitted by the establishment propaganda system (which calls itself "the media," as if it's the one and only media in the universe and not a particular group of organs representing corporate oligarchy and U.S. imperialism) in the wake of the death of Jeffrey Epstein. Here in America, we're being treated to a deluge of teeth gnashing that although Epstein in effect got the death penalty for paying teenagers to indulge his sexual proclivities, he "escaped justice." What would "justice" have been? Drawing and quartering? Burning alive at the stake? Crucifixion?

Of course he was being crucified, by the media, and by an incredibly vengeful, opportunistic U.S. Attorney in New York City. The crimes he was all but convicted in advance of date to the early 2000's. I haven't heard a whisper about statute of limitations. For most Federal crimes, it's seven years.

And still "the" media, and the prosecutors, are protecting the various eminences who partook of the pleasures of the flesh provided by their host, Epstein. These include two U.S. presidents (Trump and Clinton) and a British "prince." And the loathsome Zionist attack dog Alan Dershowitz. Instead all the focus now is on getting Elaine Maxwell, Epstein's erstwhile "girlfriend" and alleged "procurer" of teenagers. (Whom the media attack dogs insist on calling "children," thus infantilizing sexual beings, and falsely pasting the "pedophile" label on Epstein.

Epstein was charged with "trafficking." To whom did he traffic? Himself? Yet the U.S. Attorney running the inquisition, Geoffrey Berman, didn't so much as name the members of the protected elite who partook of forbidden sex as unindicted co-conspirators. Media yakkers finger Maxwell as the next target, along with "pilots and whoever." Nary a mention of those being protected.

And already the propagandists are sneering at the "conspiracy theories" that Epstein was silenced to protect the highly privileged "pedophiles."

Now Trump's handpicked U.S. Attorney General, William "Cover Up Pro" Barr, is reported to have "asked" the Department he's the boss of, the Department of "Justice," and an agency that is under the nominal purview of that Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (the notorious political secret police, the FBI), to "investigate" the Epstein death. We can always rest assured when the government investigates itself. (Specifically he wants the DOJ Inspector General to investigate, as well as the FBI. The Federal Bureau of Prisons, whose prisoner Epstein was, is part of the DOJ also. The DOJ is a many-armed octopus of repression.)

Barr has an "interesting" history which "the" media helpfully hides. As a key cog in the regime of George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush the Elder (the slaughterer of 4,000 poor Panamanians and countless hapless Iraqi conscripts running for their lives), Barr is the one who got Bush to issue preemptive pardons to Iran-Contra criminals like Caspar Weinberger before they could be brought to book by the special counsel, who was much outraged by the move. By doing so, Bush protected himself. He did exactly what Democrats and their media allies have been screaming that Trump better NOT do- issue pardons that protect himself. Bush did exactly that- and he was given a two-week apotheosis was the old murderer died.
As for how Epstein ended up dead: There are plenty of solid reasons to be skeptical of the "suicide" conclusion. For one thing, the New York City Medical Examiner has completed an autopsy but so far  refuses to release the results. It's only a "suicide" because the propaganda system says it is.

Then there was the previous "suicide" attempt. Or was it? The government has never actually said that it was. All that has officially been announced by "the authorities" was that Epstein "was found unconscious" with "marks on his neck." Anything else has been media (propagandist) speculation and surmise.

Epstein may well have killed himself. He looked extremely depressed in the photo released of him in captivity, a release that was part of the humiliation ritual imposed on him. At a minimum, he was allowed to kill himself. What the establishment propaganda outlets have reported is that he was on a suicide watch after the first incident, then he was taken OFF suicide watch, but protocol called for him to have a cellmate to prevent self-harm. But he was left alone, locked up with his despair, and unwatched.

Various excuses have been defensively floated out by the guards. They are overworked. They are working overtime. (Apparently they don't "work" overtime but NAP overtime.) The prison is overcrowded. (Yet there was room to give Epstein a cell to himself alone.)

It's all a crock, of course. Obviously they wanted him dead. This prisoner was extremely high profile, subject of daily, lurid "coverage." Yet if we are to believe his captors, they were completely indifferent and feckless and inattentive to their highest profile prisoner in the Manhattan Federal Jail, the absurdly misnamed "Metropolitan Correctional Center." (Like they want to rehabilitate people!)

Usually in cases where a target of a political inquisition has damning evidence against the establishment itself, he is simply prevented from speaking at trial, and then consigned to a U.S. black hole, like the "Supermax" prison in Florence, Colorado, where prisoners are locked in tiny, windowless concrete cells for life, deprived of all human contact. Apparently it would be too kind to have a small porthole in the cell so the prisoner consigned to this living hell could at least look outside at the mountains, at the sky, at clouds. Since these prisoners are "monsters," they must be made to suffer as much as possible.

Manuel Noriega could have told a damning story about CIA drug dealing, and his work for them, but wasn't allowed to. "El Chapo" could have told about the millions in bribes he's paid to Mexican officials, including presidents, and U.S. complicity in Mexican corruption, but wasn't allowed to. Now he's to be buried alive in the "Supermax."

The next chapters in the Epstein saga are the substitution of Elaine Maxwell to be burned at the stake, and "justice" for the "victims" by their looting Epstein's estate. This has already been announced by "the" media as a form of "justice." A couple of the former teens and their lawyers are complaining they were deprived of "closure" by Epstein's death. Maybe they should stop traumatizing themselves by insisting they were so horribly victimized by getting paid a few hundred dollars for what was mostly mild sex (not counting one woman who serviced Epstein numerous times for money, and then claims he raped her, and maybe he did) that they can never get over it.

The man is DEAD. Can you let it go?

The establishment doesn't want to, for various reasons. That will have to await another essay.

Jeffrey Epstein died in jail, age 66. Was in good health so had many years to live. 
                                         "He got away with it!" screech The Morally Outraged. (Oh really?)

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