Monday, January 28, 2019

What If China Declared Nancy Pelosi President of the U.S. and Deemed Trump Illegitimate?

That's the equivalent of what the U.S. is doing to Venezuela. Simply outrageous.

The U.S. has just declared that the elected, LEGAL president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, isn't really the president because the U.S. has decided he is "illegitimate." The "real" president is a U.S. stooge Venezuelan politician (Juan Guaidó) whom the U.S. has decreed by imperialist fiat is now Venezuela's "interim president." It has lined up a score of lackey nations in Latin America ruled by reactionaries, and in Europe ruled by bourgeois toadies to U.S. power, to agree with this insane diktat, which the U.S. is now moving to forcibly impose on Venezuela through various means, including a military coup d'état.

But the U.S. is doing something more outrageous than what even China is doing in this thought experiment. The U.S. claims to be doing this in the name of "freedom and democracy." Declaring the elected president of another nation "illegitimate" and naming his replacement in the name of "freedom and democracy." This is Orwellian to a mind-bending extreme.

This is the same country that SO LOVES freedom and democracy that it is best buddies with Saudi Arabia, a nation ruled with an iron fist by an intolerant hereditary and totalitarian monarchy. Nothing "illegitimate" about THOSE rulers!

The horrible killer U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo called the Venezuelan government "morally bankrupt," "profoundly undemocratic" and- get this- "corrupt." Nice example of projection by a reactionary, an extremely common phenomenon.

The propaganda media of not just the U.S. but scores of lackey nations in Europe and Latin America are backing this grotesque imperialist aggression.

We're told that Britain, France, Germany, and Spain are falling in line behind the U.S.' move. Tells you all you need to know about the moral bankruptcy of the ruling classes of the Eurolackey states, as well as the emptiness of all their blather about "democracy" and respecting national sovereignty. All the aforementioned nations have a history as among the most vicious empires in history. All committed numerous acts of mass murder to enforce their imperial rule.

Those trying to defend Venezuelan independence are Mexico, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Russia. A weak group with little cohesion as a group.

Pompeo bulled into the UN to demand that other nations "pick a side," either for the U.S. coup and installation of its chosen puppet, or on the side of international law and respect for self-determination of people and for national sovereignty. That's not how he described it, of course, but that's what it is. What he said was the most mendacious propaganda imaginable, on a par with the U.S.' excuse for invading Iraq and Hitler's lies "justifying" the conquest of Poland.

But Russia and China will veto the U.S. ploy to get the UN Security Council to rubber-stamp its imperialist aggression. That won't stop the U.S. of course. The U.S. will simply attack the UN as a body that "doesn't work."

Anything that doesn't take orders from the U.S. is by definition broken.

In response to the U.S. declaring that he is no longer president and proclaiming its chosen lackey "interim president," the real president, Maduro, who was legitimately elected, broke off diplomatic relations (about time!) and ordered U.S. "diplomats" to leave. The U.S. is arrogantly refusing to remove its "diplomats," obviously and deliberately setting up a confrontation. "We're going to sit in your country and refuse to recognize your government," is what the U.S. is declaring in effect.

Outrageous. But not in the global capitalist media's telling.

The dire economic straits Venezuela is in is harped on, as if that is an excuse for overthrowing its government. NEVER mentioned is the fact that the U.S. has been systematically strangling Venezuela with economic warfare. Instead "economic mismanagement" is constantly blamed. I'm willing to believe that's a factor. Now can the propagandists ever explain say WHAT economic mismanagement they're referring to? They never say. Just the assertion is enough. [1]

1] It's the same way the U.S. "intelligence community" "determined" that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee's computer server, the "evidence" being mere assertion of the claim. But actually it wasn't even "the intelligence community," but merely three "analysts" from the CIA, FBI, and NSA handpicked by Obama regime "Director of National Intelligence" James "Pinocchio" Clapper, the man who infamously testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee, that allegedly "oversees" the various secret police agencies, that the NSA does NOT gather all Americans' phone calls, when it fact it does. But repeatedly saying that the entire massive infallible trustworthy "intelligence community" "determined" it is more convincing to say, which is why "the" media keeps saying it, even though it's untrue.

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