Friday, December 14, 2018

BBC Demonstrates How To Make Palestinians The Bad Guys

The BBC reported today that two Jewish colonialist conquerors were killed in the West Bank by a Palestinian "gunman." (Not an armed Palestinian patriot fighter, say.) But they cleverly left something out.

A few hours before that, Israeli Jewish troops conducted more of their ceaseless terror raids into the West Bank, murdering another three Palestinians on top of the tens of thousands they've murdered since 1948.

The picture looks a lot different when you include that fact. But the BBC is not in the business of providing objective news. It is in the business of political propaganda in the guise of news.

Political mythology claims the West Bank is under the control of collaborationist Palestinians called the "Palestinian Authority," headed by a corrupt leech named Mahmoud Abbas. He and his accomplices aided and abetted the murder of Yasir Arafat, by obstructing as long as possible the exhumation of Arafat's corpse to confirm the presence of radioactive polonium which the Israelis slipped into his food. Since then they've been as quiet as possible about the murder.

The PA's "security forces" are CIA-trained, which tells us all we need to know about the nature of those secret police thugs. Their job, like all CIA-trained "security forces" and "intelligence services" is the repression of the people they are assigned to contain.

Another way the BBC- and U.S. media too of course- cover up the fanaticism and imperialism of Israel is by never mentioning what the Israelis calls the West Bank- "Judea and Samaria." These fanatics are literally recreating something that existed over 2,000 years ago, combining ancient violent tribal supremacist ideology straight from the Old Testament with contemporary repressive military and police state technology.

Israel is indeed "part of the West" in the true sense of what that means- it is a nation of "white" imperialists conquering those designated as dark-skilled and subjugating them by force and violence and "settling" their lands, which hiding behind a facade of "democratic values."

[Thanks to for reporting the facts the "venerable" BBC omitted from its version of reality.]

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