Wednesday, July 5, 2017

BBC Finally Forced To Mention Saudi Arabian Support For Terrorism

The UK-based Henry Jackson Society issued a report about Saudi Arabia's guilt as a wellspring of Sunni jihadi Islamofascist (my word) terrorism. This got a few sentences in the headline news of the British government's propaganda agency, the BBC "World Service" in English this morning. The Saudis utterly false, vehement denial was prominently reported. Also mentioned was the Society report scoring the Saudis for hypocrisy for blaming the Qataris for "supporting terrorism." (A mention dropped in later versions, which moved the Saudi lies to the top.)

By 4:30 AM EST the item was reduced to a single sentence: "Saudi Arabia has rejected accusations by a London think tank that it is the source of extremism in the UK." Back to backing the Saudis after just a couple of hours. Then repetition of Saudi attacks on Qatar, including playing a Saudi ruler's rant that Qater must "stop supporting terrorism, stop spreading hate." Unbelievable. Bastards living in a glass mansion hypocritically hurling boulders at Qatar. And the BBC has already forgotten the Jackson Society report in only a couple of hours. What does "BBC" stand for? Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation?

The BBC has been assiduous in its avoiding of any mention of Saudi culpability in the spread of Islamofascist Wahhabi-Salafist terrorism. Nor does it mention the fact that Saudi Arabia caused the current cholera epidemic and famine in Yemen, by bombing critical infrastructure, including power, water, and hospitals, and with a naval blockade that has cut off food imports on which Yemen depends. So what accounts for this lapse? It's the fact that a "respected" (BBC's word) right-wing think tank has spoken. Right-wingers are politically and ideologically dominant in "the West." Thus they get special privileges, including the privilege of being heard.

The Jackson Society also called for the release of a suppressed UK government report on Saudi backing for terrorism- another matter the BBC has tread extremely lightly over, to say the least.

The Henry Jackson Society is named after a dead U.S. Senator, Henry "Scoop" Jackson, who was known as "the Senator from Boeing," because he promoted the interests of that military arms manufacturer. (Boeing's other main business is commercial aircraft manufacture.) Boeing is headquartered in the state of Washington, on the west coast of the continental U.S. (Not to be confused with the city of Washington, D.C., i.e. District of Columbia, the capital of the U.S., on the east coast.) A Democrat and a rabid militarist, Jackson was one of the two Senators from the state of Washington. (Another note to non-Americans, and to ignorant Americans: as per the U.S. Constitution, every U.S. state has two U.S. Senators, regardless of population. There are currently 50 states, thus 100 Senators. This is highly anti-democratic. The 20 or so least populous U.S. states have the same population as the state of California, yet have 40 Senators to California's 2. What an ideal democracy! One reason for the utterly reactionary nature of the U.S. political system is the fact that all these rural, reactionary states dominate the U.S. Senate.)

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