Friday, January 11, 2013

Western Media Raise Huge Stink Over 2 Year Sentences For Kuwaiti Dissidents!

Two Kuwaitis just got sentenced to 2 years in Kuwait's barbaric prisons for "insulting" the "Emir" of that oil rich, backward, repressive dictatorship that is a close U.S. "ally." (Or lackey.)

The Western media has responded with top-billing coverage. Celebrities like Madonna and Bjork have leapt to the dissidents' cause.

Oh wait, no they didn't. They did all that for Pussy Riot, the female Russian punk rock band that insulted Putin in a cathedral. They got two years also. Maybe that's why I got confused. (One of the three members of the band has been released early, perhaps as a sop to Western opinion. Also it makes the Putin regime appear merciful. Which is more than Obama can claim to be- a man who has issued virtually no pardons while in office- fewer by far than even that bete noire of "progressives," Bush.)

But I'm sure once the Western media is properly notified of this story, they will stay on it for months and months, even years if need be, as they have done with Pussy Riot.

What, you doubt? But how could they not? These are objective journalists. And one of "the West's" proudest values, which it parades at every opportunity, is its devotion to human rights, and freedom of speech and expression! That's why the Obama regime locked up Tim deChristopher for two years for expressing his opposition to leasing Federal lands for oil drilling, by attending the auction and placing bids!

Oh, maybe that's a bad example.

Ok, how about how the FBI organized nationwide repression of the Occupy Movement, with police in various cities tear gassing, beating, maiming protesters, driving them away, seizing their property and compacting it in garbage trucks, infiltrating, spying on, harassing...

Alright alright, not the best example. I'm sure there are examples.

Ok, here's one! James O'Keefe, a reactionary agent, is allowed to trespass in a U.S. Senator's office with wiretapping equipment and try to tap her phones, and nothing happens. Because he has political motives! And anti-abortion terrorists are allowed to attack abortion clinics and scream abuse at their clients, because this is free speech. And Tea Party cranks can confront the President while packing heat! That's their Second Amendment right!* See? There's plenty of freedom in the U.S.! You just need to have the right politics, that's all.

And I do mean Right.

*Note to leftists and blacks: don't you try to possess firearms. You'll go straight to prison. It's illegal for you to have guns. It's a violation of guns laws for you to own guns. See how that works?

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