Saturday, February 15, 2025

DEI Replaced By HIE

 Diversity Equity Inclusion flushed down the toilet by the racist Trump regime and the eager to conform and comply U.S. corporate bosses, replaced by HIE: Homogeneity, Inequality, Exclusion.

Monday, February 3, 2025

New York Doctor indicted in Louisiana for abortion pills. Trump exercises dictatorial power, shuts down USAID. And Elon Musk has your Social Security Number now.

1]- If Louisiana can get their hands on her, the doctor  faces 15 years in a medieval type Louisiana prison and a $200,000 fine. The mother of the teenager who needed the abortion faces that fate.

2]- Trump shut down an agency created and funded by Congress, which he has no right- or legal authority- to do. Elon Musk, his de factor right hand man, called it a "criminal organization," and "radical left," -insane bullshit- and motivated Trump to take the illegal action. Trump said USAID "is run by radical lunatics." Of course it is an arm of U.S. foreign policy, that provides the parsimonious amount of NON-MILITARY foreign aid the U.S. provides. The agency goes back to 1961. The idea that ANY part of the U.S. government employs left-wing radicals is as preposterous as Hitler's claim that Germany didn't lose World War I, but was stabbed in the back on the home front.

One of the last hospitals in Gaza is shutting down- it received USAID funds.

20 million people around the world with AIDS are kept alive with medicines paid for by USAID. Maybe some other nation or nations or international organization will step into the breach. They better do so quickly, or there will be sicker people- and deaths.

Not that the white racists Trump and Musk care about murdering Africans.

These are just 2 of the important stories from the headlines feature of

For ten minutes, 5 days a week, of your time, you will be vastly better informed than you can be from relying on the power establishment's propaganda system if you follow headlines there. Plus they have longer stories on various topics. The website is very well oaid out, and their archive goes back years and the search function works very well- much better than I've experienced at the New York Times or the New Yorker, for example. 

Don't make me have to inform you of what's going on. Take responsibility for knowing what's going on in the world YOU LIVE IN.

Obviously the remedy here is impeachment and removal from office of Trump. But the Republican Party controls both houses of Congress, and the Republican Party has degenerated into a political cult with Trump at its head.

Some think mass protests are somehow the answer. In his last round as president, Trump ordered then Secretary of Defense Mark Esper to have troops shoot protesters in the legs. Esper refused. But Defense Secretary this time, Peter Hegseth, will be glad to. In fact, this time the order will probably be to aim at heads and chests.

Too bad the lame and feckless Democratic Party helped allow this situation. The Biden regime could have indicted Trump in early 2021 for the failed coup and theft of a massive amount of classified documents. Instead they dragged their feet for several years, by which time Trump rebuilt his popularity and the Republican-controlled Federal judiciary effectively stalled the cases until they were killed or dropped. 

For the story about Elon Musk, here's the link:

 For more on the shutdown of USAID, go to:


Thursday, January 30, 2025

U.S. Media Obsession Of The Day: Military Helicopter Causes Fatal Airline Crash In Washington, DC

I say "causes," because a Blackhawk helicopter has no business "training" next to a very busy airport, where it collided with an American Airlines plane coming in to land. Both craft landed in a freezing cold river. There were no survivors. The U.S. media didn't say "caused," even though it obviously did. It's "under investigation." 

For many years now, the U.S. military can do no wrong in the eyes of the U.S. corporate propaganda system. 

And once again, I am struck by the contrast between the obsession with a relatively minor tragedy befalling some Americans (33 people on the airliner, 3 on the "chopper") and the ongoing atrocities being inflicted by Israel upon Palestinians. Which total U.S. support makes possible.

For one thing, there's the sham "ceasefire" in Gaza. Israel continues to murder Palestinians there, including young children.  ( reports these murders, as do other non-corporate media which are not part of the U.S. power establishment.) And there is no "ceasefire," not even the pretense of one, in the West Bank, where an ongoing pogrom with "ethnic cleansing" (a euphemism for violent expulsion of a population) is invisible in the U.S. propaganda system. Over the last 15 months, this campaign of Israeli annexation has killed close to a thousand Palestinians (men, women, children, the elderly- there are no exemptions), destroyed or stolen Palestinian property, crops, olive trees, sheep, homes. Cynical Joe Biden made a symbolic move about that- putting empty "sanctions" on a few notorious Israeli "settlers" (most of those creeps are from Brooklyn, NY), but since they doubtless have little or no U.S. assets and don't move capital through the international (U.S.-controlled) financial system, these putative sanctions are devoid of effect. Trump cancelled even those pretend sanctions immediately upon taking office again.

And in case you believe there's a "ceasefire" in Lebanon, I must inform you that like all Israeli ceasefires these days, it is one-sided. Israel lashes out violently whenever it feels like it. Having decapitated Hezbollah and devastated southern Lebanon (a recurring habit of Israel's) Lebanon is virtually defenseless against Israel the bully nation. (Oh, Israel keeps gobbling up more pieces of Syria too. Or weren't you informed by American "journalists"?)

The only response to any of the facts by the U.S.-Israeli power establishment is to brand their victims "terrorists" and people who mention the facts "anti-Semites." We're dealing with closed-minded imperialist fanatics, fanatics who are incorrigible.