The Egyptian military dictatorship arrested four more Aljazeera journalists. They've been arresting Aljazeera personnel regularly since the July coup that overthrew the first and only elected president in Egypt's 5,000 year history (Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, now branded a "terrorist" organization by the regime, its leaders imprisoned, assets seized, supporters killed and imprisoned).
You'd think the BBC and NPR, if they were actually journalists and not propagandists, would consider this newsworthy. The New York Times did, running an article in today's paper. (And posted to the Times website yesterday.) (So obviously the BBC and NPR are aware of the arrests.) The ludicrous charges are the usual: the journalists "damaged national security" (every tinpot tyrant has adopted the U.S.' "national security threat" bullshit) by publishing "false information," they met with Muslim Brotherhood members (consorting with "terrorists," see?) and they possessed dangerous material that causes "incitement," namely protesters' protest plans.
One of the arrested, Australian Peter Greste, actually worked for the BBC last year, and won a Peabody Award for his reporting for them from Somalia. Not that the BBC ingrates care. BBC is just British government propaganda, cleverly disguised.
Real journalists would make a stink when other journalists are persecuted. Much of the Western media only climbs on its high horse when an enemy or adversarial regime imprisons or kills journalists. So for example, despite the fact that Colombia, Mexico and Honduras are hellholes for journalists, there's nary a word of it on the BBC. NPR blacks out the anti-journalism holocausts in Colombia and Honduras.
When your selectivity is that extreme, propagandist is the correct name for you.
propaganda analysis, analyzes mainstream media propaganda and government propaganda, exposes media lies and cover ups, whitewashes and blackouts. BBC, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post criticized and exposed for lies and cover ups,
Monday, December 30, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
John Hockenberry Illustrates Lying By Omission
As I have previously discussed, one of
the standard techniques in the propagandists' toolkit is lying by
omission. By leaving out significant facts, a false picture of
reality is created and implanted into the minds of the target
audience. [See "Lying By Omission," July 8, 2013.]
happened to turn on the radio yesterday and Harry Truman was reading
his announcement of his annihilation by atomic bomb of Hiroshima,
Japan (in August 1945, followed three days later by his wiping
Nagasaki off the face of the earth with another a-bomb). [1]
“The first atomic bomb was dropped on
Hiroshima,” he said. And then the audio cut to something else.
Interesting edit, right in the middle
of his sentence. I happen to know what he said after the pause, “a
military target.”
quasi-U.S. government radio network NPR provides a platform for one
John Hockenberry, where he has his very own show dealing with
contemporary issues in a middle-brow fashion. This was his show, and
he was running an introduction to an interview with Ian Buruma, who
wrote a book about the year 1945. Hockenberry kicked off by
mentioning “narratives.” That's a fancy media apparatchik way of
saying competing versions of reality. [2]
Buruma knew enough not to point out the
dishonest omission of the last part of Truman's sentence. After all,
he doesn't want to be blackballed by the bourgeois media, especially
in the middle of his book promotion tour, by being “controversial.”
Now, probably most people today don't
think of Hiroshima as a “military target.” It was a defenseless
city, and the victims were almost all civilians- especially women and
children, as the men were off to war (or dead already in combat).
Hockenberry and his ilk know how
important it is to prevent people from reaching their own
conclusions, and thus “dangerous” information must be hidden from
So the American public must be
protected from the knowledge that Truman was a smarmy liar and
propagandist. Truman has been made into an iconic figure in the
pantheon of U.S. political bosses, quite undeservedly, apart from his
war crimes. There's the matter of his initiation of the purges and
repression of the misnomered “McCarthy era,” which lasted from
about 1947 until the early 1960s, when a new wave of repression aimed
at the anti-war, black liberation, and other social and political
movements was launched by the permanent institutions of the political
police state. (Most important among those institutions are the FBI,
the Department of “Justice,” the CIA, the military, and of course
local and state police and governments, often directed and
coordinated by the Federal government, especially the FBI.)
Another awful president made into an
iconic figure is the virulent racist and father of the American
political police state, Woodrow Wilson. And then there's another
Official hero, the fascist butcher and backer of apartheid Ronald
Reagan, the Godfather of the jihadist movement which grew out of the
Afghan war of the 1980s. (Jimmy Carter actually started that one, and
the contra terrorist campaign as well.)
[1] No, he wasn't returned from
the dead. It was a recording, of course.
[2] Books
about a single year is currently a publishing industry gimmick.
Buruma isn't the only one
cashing in on this silly exaggeration of one or another years as
World Historic. The fact that what are now deemed significant events
sometimes cluster together in a calendar year is more likely random
mathematical coincidence (and a product of selection bias by authors
looking for a thematic hook for their latest tome) than a matter of
historical tectonic plates shifting all at once, as is the conceit of
the authors. Next year they'll come up with a different gimmick,
trust me. Publishing is more and more like the fashion industry, a
matter of invented (and frivolous and pointless) novelty for
novelty's sake, signifying nothing.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Chinese Media Parrot Egyptian Military Dictatorship's Line
The so-called “People's Daily,” a
leading propaganda organ of the misnomered “Communist” Party of
China, is echoing the Egyptian military regime's justifications for
serial slaughters of supporters of the recently-overthrown by
military coup president Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. The
Chinese propaganda spin is identical to the Egyptian military
butchers, “Egypt Is Fighting Terrorism.”
It's easy to understand why the Chinese
oligarchs would do this. Not for some esoteric foreign policy goal or
out of an arcane geopolitical strategy calculation. Simply because
the Chinese rulers are mass oppressors themselves, who when
confronted with popular protest brutally repress it as a matter of
course. (Not just Tiananmen Square either, but numerous smaller
Tiananmen Squares.) Naturally, when confronted with the spectacle of
a large group of protesters being slaughtered by a government, the
instinct of the Chinese rulers is to side with the foreign
government, not the protesters. How could it be otherwise? To side
with the protesters would present too stark a contrast with their own
treatment of citizens. And they wouldn't want to give Chinese people
the “wrong” idea, that mass protest is tolerable, or that gunning
down protesters is unacceptable in any way.
Since the U.S. declared “war on
terrorism,” many oppressive nations, most of them aligned with the
U.S., (not just Egypt, but Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and others)
have availed themselves of this U.S.-created ideological
justification for state crimes and repression by calling their
victims “terrorists” and pretending they are in a “war” with
“terrorism.” This is one of the most malign and lasting
political results of the U.S. reaction to the jetliner attacks by
Al-Qaeda on 9/11/01, attacks which the FBI and CIA were complicit in.
For human rights not just in the U.S. but on the planet as a whole,
this era will go down in history as a disaster, a huge setback in the
centuries-long struggle to establish human rights against the
oppressive power of rulers.
Friday, July 12, 2013
What's Wrong with Aljazeera?
Lately I've been noticing more and more
bad reporting by Aljazeera. (I'm speaking of the English language
broadcasts here.) By “bad reporting,” I mean misleading or false.
Factually false, or misleading such as by using the standard media
technique of omitting key facts in order to present a false picture.
Also too often they adopt the mendacious terminolog of U.S.
propaganda, which is verbiage designed to brainwash. (“National
security” is a perfect example.)
Here are two recent examples.
On July 10th one of their
American reporters, Kimberly Halken, presented a piece on the
nomination hearings for the egregious secret police supervisor James
Comey for FBI director (a gig with a ten year term in office- no
longer lifetime as J. Edgar Hoover, the founder of the FBI, had). She
uses the officially-approved euphemism “enhanced interrogation
techniques” at one point instead of the true word, torture.
And the words “national security” roll off her tongue, that
never-defined term that is magic, like “abracadabra” or “open
sesame” or “war on terrorism” (or in the old days,
“anti-communism”) that has special powers to fog men's minds and
endow government gangsters who invoke it with superhuman powers.
(Literally superhuman: the magic words give them power over us
humans.) She also mouths the standard blather about striking a
“delicate balance” between so-called anti-terrorism and “not
infringing on rights.” Same thing Obama himself says every time
he's caught erecting another piece of his police state, and what
every other architect of repression (and their defenders) says when
they're on the spot.
This is boilerplate propaganda. Halkin
just bolted the chunks of mendacity in place.
Second example:
Kat Turner, another American, reported
the first court appearance of surviving Boston Marathon Bomber
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. (The 19-year-old survived despite the efforts of
the police to summarily execute him when his presence hiding under a
tarp in a small boat in someone's backyard was reported by the
homeowner. Initially, and even later, the media kept calling it a
“shootout.” But it was soon admitted that Tsarnaev was unarmed.)
Tsarnaev has been in captivity since mid-April. Turner claimed that
“the only obvious sign of injury was a cast on his arm.” Well
maybe she's just not very observant. Even the U.S. media described a
disfigured jaw, and noted his constant touching of it. Even if she
was too far back in the peanut gallery to notice, she could have
gotten the information from numerous other media reports. In fact,
how could Aljazeera miss it? On July 11th
Aljazeera ran her uncorrected report. A small point, perhaps, but not
one that inspired confidence in Aljzeera's reliability.
Worse, however, she “reported” that
Tsarnaev was “injured in a shootout.” No he wasn't, Kat. There
was no “shootout,” because Tsarnaev WAS UNARMED. That fact has
been known for months. [1]
Now, reactionary jackasses will think
I'm being “pro-Tsarnaev.” Apparently they think I should lie and
say Tsarnaev had a machine gun and was holding a baby at knife-point
when he was shot, to make him look as bad as possible. (And not
incidentally to justify the failed summary-execution attempt. by the
police.) To think accuracy- that is, faithfulness to reality-
matters, must mean that I “like” Tsarnaev.
Just to briefly respond to such a
brain-dead, knee-jerk reaction: I'm not even sympathetic to Tsarnaev.
I think he's an idiot, a puppet of his now-dead older brother (who
apparently was one of these fanatical Chechen terrorist types) who
had exceedingly poor judgment (an unfortunate and common pitfall of
being 19). He helped kill three people who had nothing to do with
Chechnya. Because they happen to live in the U.S., apparently that
makes them guilty of “waging war on Muslims,” in his mind. A
dozen or so people will also have to get on with their lives minus a
limb or two. Nothing concrete is accomplished to end hostility
towards Muslims by such an act. (Quite the contrary.) Nor does this
in any way weaken the U.S. So without material value, there is only
symbolic value left to consider as a possible gain for Tsarnaev's
“cause.” (I get the impression he's as unclear as to what exactly
his cause is as I am.)
I can think of innumerable better ways
to make a symbolic point. I think the political “message” is lost
on the victims and on the American public. All they see is some
vicious violence. And if this is meant to inspire other Muslims to
similar acts, a lá
the Al-Qaeda strategy of provoking greater conflict, that of course
means more of the same, making everything worse. The Chechens have
pursued a strategy of more and more nihilistic violence in Russia,
and so far the result has been the razing by Russian bombardment of
Grozny and the installation of a sadistic terrorist as Chechen ruler
as Russian client. I'd recommend trying something else.
The point here isn't about Tsarnaev;
it is about reliable, honest reporting; the point is whether we can
trust Aljazeera as an information source.
It has nothing to do with
one's attitude towards Tsarnaev, which in any case should
not guide the reporting.
That would not be objective reporting, it would be propagandistic.
But back to Aljazeera: Why the
pandering to U.S. propaganda norms, and worse?
Perhaps the American reporters of
Aljazeera are simply too brainwashed by their experience to be more
Or perhaps Aljazeera, and the Emir of
Qatar, have inferiority complexes. Perhaps they crave acceptance by
the U.S. media and political establishment, which that imperialist
power combine defines as “legitimacy.” Perhaps Aljazeera's bosses
are brainwashed into feeling that legitimacy is controlled by the
U.S. power system, to bestow or deny at their pleasure. (That
certainly is a big problem in domestic U.S. politics. Prime examples:
the pathetic sell-out U.S. labor unions, which have been slowly
self-destructing for over 60 years now, and the “respectable”
environmental organizations like the Sierra Club, which are lapdogs
and pets of the corporate establishment.) The craving for acceptance
from the U.S. power structure, (so-called “respectability”)
is existential death to anyone who wants to follow a moral path in
The only possible value of Aljazeera,
to an American or to ANY audience, is as an alternative to
Western establishment propaganda. If all Aljazeera is going to do is
echo and mimic that propaganda system, because it wants to “be part
of the conversation,” i.e. to try to influence Western elites by
saying Hey, we're one of you! Accept us!- in that case, no Westerner
has any reason to tune in to or read Aljazeera online. If it's just
going to present more of the same twisted worldview of Imperialist
elites, it has no value. It's just an off-brand version of the
brand name propaganda entities. And since the price is the
same, why buy it?
Of course, given that Qatar functions
as a well-remunerated oil spigot for “the West,” is it not
intimately tied to the U.S. system? And who is the ultimate
guarantor of the Emir's continued hold on power? Obviously the U.S.
Hence we should expect Aljazeera, being a media operation of the
Emir, to be basically in line with U.S. propaganda. Perhaps the only
surprise is that it has displeased the U.S. as much as it has, mainly
in its Arabic language broadcasting. [If it didn't tell the truth and
report on people and events and conduct interviews of interest to
Arab audiences, it would be as irrelevant as U.S. Arab-language
propaganda ops are. The U.S. expects Aljazeera to parrot U.S.
military propaganda, an absurd demand. Had Aljazeera
functioned as the U.S. military and government wanted, and been a
cheerleader for the invasion of Iraq and the horrors inflicted there,
it would have totally and permanently discredited itself with Arab
audiences and thus made itself irredemably irrelevant in its part of
the world. The moronic “hearts and minds” mentality of the U.S.
military is that their crude, cynical propaganda can actually change
the attitudes of the people it bombs and maims and of those who can
see plain facts. They think that if only ALL media would broadcast
the same bullshit and lies as U.S. military propaganda ops, everyone
would be fooled. Hey, these are the cretins who are convinced the
U.S. media lost the Vietnam War!]
Qatar's ultimate dependency on the U.S.
would explain Aljazeera's very muted responses to the repeated
bombings of its facilities by the U.S., the murder of its employees,
the kidnapping of at least one of them (imprisoned at the Guantanamo
Bay military gulag for six years) and lesser attacks.
In any event, the Emir just squandered
$500,000,000 in oil money buying Al Gore's failed cable TV channel,
in an attempt to force its way into the U.S. market, from which it
has been banned by the U.S. corporations that control what Americans
can see and hear. (This oligarchic media system is known as “the
free press.” See what I mean about mendacious terminology?) Others
have commented on the irony of global warming Cassandra Albert Gore
Jr. making a personal killing of $100,000,000 from oil money.
(Burning oil releases carbon dioxide, the increasing atmospheric
concentration of which is raising the temperature of the planet.)
I'll bet the inhabitants of Qatar might
have thought of other uses for that money. But in a Kingdom, even the
oil in the ground is the personal property of the ruler.
On the other hand, Aljazeera must be
doing something right in Egypt, because the military oligarchs there
have so far arrested 28 Aljazeera employees since the coup of a few
days ago. Meanwhile the Egyptian media is strenuously vying for the
title of World's Worst Media. The horrible hacks who work for it (the
opposition media has been expeditiously shut down by force by the
military- but don't call it a coup!) not only have acted as
enthusiastic cheerleaders for the military so far, but they shouted
down and ejected an Aljazeera reporter from a press conference. Man,
those vermin make the U.S. media look good by comparison! (But not
very. See the loathsome David Gregory's attack on Glenn Greenwald on
1] The
U.S. media can be quite lousy too. Consider this example of exiguous,
manipulative “reporting” by the CBS radio network (aired July
at 6 am Eastern Standard
Time). “Reporting” on Tsarnaev's court appearance, other than the
fact that he was in
court, there is literally no information. No mention
of his injuries, no mention even of the plea entered,
which was the main purpose of the hearing! (“Not
guilty” was the plea, I
can report, in
case you relied on CBS for your info.)
Instead, aside from the introductory sentence- that Tsarnaev
was in court yesterday- the
entirety of the CBS “report”
the opinion of the M.I.T. campus police chief (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology), one of whose officers was shot
and killed by the Tsarnaev
brothers when they were on
the lam after the bombing.
The chief was in court to glare at Tsarnaev, and he opined: “He was
a punk. [His
emphasis.] He showed no
remorse.” Not sure how Tsarnaev would “show remorse” in a
preliminary hearing, but no matter. The chief hates him. I think we
all could have figured that out without
being told. It is rather
like reporting “the sun rose in the East today.” No kidding. So
there's literally no information here, nothing
nobody doesn't already know or assume, but
rather an attempt to generate public hostility toward Tsarnaev by
feeding people the feelings and attitude of an understandably angry
and contemptuous man.
(Guess CBS figures the American public doesn't hate Tsarnaev enough.)
other words, this was pure propaganda, an attempt to manipulate
public opinion rather than provide information- as I pointed out,
even the
most basic facts of the court appearance were omitted by CBS. So they
did worse than Aljazeera. Hey, maybe we do
need Aljazeera after all!
Monday, July 8, 2013
Lying By Omission
One of the tricks the U.S. media uses
to dupe people into believing the false picture of the world, of
reality, that the propaganda system promotes is the omission of key
facts. Instead of giving false information (which they also do quite
a lot), important information is suppressed which results in the
creation of false impressions and a false image of the world that blots out the real world, like a permanent solar eclipse of the mind. The advantage of this mendacious
method of misrepresentation and misleading is that technically the
propagandists aren't “lying” in the sense the word is usually
understood. But that's a con artist's rationalization. The technique
is intended to fool the target by misrepresentation and deception.
There may be an argument about whether it is “lying.” There can
be no argument that it is dishonest and designed to dupe and mislead people, and
therefore is reprehensible. This is an awful and destructive state of affairs that has the consequence of causing tremendous, avoidable human suffering and death.
Adding an extra twist to the sleazy and unethical nature of the scam is the fact that the establishment media presents itself as a reliable (indeed the only reliable) source of information, and is allegedly objective and unbiased to boot. (Yeah, I know, that's pretty brazenly cynical of them.) As hundreds of millions of people rely on these propagandists for grasping reality and understanding the world, this is an awful state of affairs. These propagandists literally promote mass false consciousness, trapping the minds of millions in a web of illusion.
Adding an extra twist to the sleazy and unethical nature of the scam is the fact that the establishment media presents itself as a reliable (indeed the only reliable) source of information, and is allegedly objective and unbiased to boot. (Yeah, I know, that's pretty brazenly cynical of them.) As hundreds of millions of people rely on these propagandists for grasping reality and understanding the world, this is an awful state of affairs. These propagandists literally promote mass false consciousness, trapping the minds of millions in a web of illusion.
Here are some examples of the
phenomenon of lying by omission.
“Iranian hostage crisis.” They're
still milking this one, and they won't stop until they
overthrow the mullahs ruling Iran. Then when they've installed a
client regime as they did in 1953, or a satrapy, Iran will be “our
friend” again and the U.S. can let bygones be bygones. Hollywood
creepoid Ben Stiller just mined that particular propaganda pit for a
movie that is being hailed, predictably, by the corporate media. ("Argo." It
concerns the CIA “rescue” of some U.S. “hostages.” I'm
waiting for Hollywood to make a movie about the 1953 CIA-MI6 coup,
the horrible reign of the Shah, during which he killed a quarter of a
million Iranians, the CIA-spawned and nurtured Iranian secret police,
the SAVAK, and so on. Unfortunately for the Iranian people, the
overthrow of the Shah created an opening for the only remaining
organized political force in Iran to seize power, the mullahs. Unless
Oliver Stone, say, makes it, I think I'm in for a very long wait.)
A telling omission- besides the
entire history I just mentioned: Western propagandists never mention
WHY the U.S. embassy was seized. It was in reaction to the U.S.
letting the Shah into the United States. You'd think that would
be an important fact. It was the CAUSE (justified or not) for the
Another fact assiduously omitted from
the periodic harping on the “Iranian hostage crisis” is that the
U.S. immediately stole all Iran's money (in the billions of dollars)
from the banks under U.S. financial control, and used the money to
pay off businesses that had (unfulfilled) contracts with the dictator
Here's another example of how the U.S.
and other media distort people's impression of the Middle East:
“Rockets raining down on Israel from
Gaza.” You hear that a lot. Well, there's plenty they omit here.
The most important thing they always omit here is that Israel
consistently provokes the rocket fire by murdering
Palestinians. Whenever there's a unilateral truce by Hamas, Israel
raids Gaza to murder some Palestinian “militants.” This pattern
began under Ariel Sharon, and has continued under his successors.
U.S. media always glosses over this and pretends that the
resulting rocket fire is unprovoked, vicious terrorism aimed at
civilians. (By the way, all the Palestinians Israel kills, and there
have been thousands and thousands over the years, are by definition
civilians, since the Palestinians have no army. And “militant”
can mean anything- someone who throws a rock, someone who hates
Israeli occupation and repression, whatever. But the specific
assassinations are probably aimed at members of “militant”
organizations. Since the U.S. and Israel brands these organizations
“terrorists,” anyone connected to them is automatically a
“terrorist.” “Terrorist” is a political curse word, like
“communist,” which has the same meaning as “Jew” in Nazi
lexicon- an evil subhuman scumbag worthy of nothing but death, in
fact killing them is an imperative.)
I'm not making an argument about whether Palestinian retaliation for the murders and kidnappings of activists and others is justified or not. The point is the media reverses cause and effect, and removes the source of provocation from Israel and transfers it to the evil Palestinians. This allows the media (and Israel) to put Israel on a high moral plane and paint the Palestinians as immoral. (Even though Israel has killed over the decades about 100 Palestinians for every Israeli killed by Palestinians- and most of those Palestinians were "civilians," i.e. not operatives of armed factions- aka "terrorists.")
I'm not making an argument about whether Palestinian retaliation for the murders and kidnappings of activists and others is justified or not. The point is the media reverses cause and effect, and removes the source of provocation from Israel and transfers it to the evil Palestinians. This allows the media (and Israel) to put Israel on a high moral plane and paint the Palestinians as immoral. (Even though Israel has killed over the decades about 100 Palestinians for every Israeli killed by Palestinians- and most of those Palestinians were "civilians," i.e. not operatives of armed factions- aka "terrorists.")
Here's a third example of chronic
distortion by the corporate propaganda system (aka “the
“CIA agents.” Most “CIA agents”
are in fact foreign traitors. They
aren't employed by the CIA, although they may be paid by the CIA for
providing info or doing dirty deeds on the CIA's behalf, like
overthrowing the democratic government of Iran in 1953, the one in
Guatemala in 1954, murdering General Rene Schneider in Chile in 1970,
organizing strikes and sabotage and mayhem there and elsewhere, and
etc. (I know the CIA and its media protectors like to pretend all the
CIA does is “gather information,” that it's a “spy” agency,
not an international terror and subversion agency that trains
torturers, organizes death squads, and provides lists of people to be
tortured and murdered, but that is heinously dishonest. Yes, it does
spy too, mostly not to
“protect America,” and certainly not to advance “freedom and
democracy,” but to harm others using the information it gets. As
has been thoroughly documented over the decades, this is ultimately to
advance U.S. corporate interests, abbreviated as “U.S. interests,”
a term that is never defined or explained, despite being used daily
by the U.S. media and politicians, an interesting omission in
actual CIA employees,
who are always Americans, are called “officers” or “case
officers,” not “agents,” except in the popular media, which
seems to want to deliberately confuse people. Further adding to the
confusion (obfuscation), FBI agents
are indeed card-carrying members of the FBI, with badges and guns and
arrest powers. (The CIA has no legal
arrest powers, so it just kidnaps people- or simply murders them.
Despicably, 54 foreign nations have recently been identified as
helping them do this since 2001, when "the world changed," because- boo-hoo! the U.S. was attacked. The Guardian has the list of “rendition
program” aiders and abettors. [] So much for “rule
of law,” much beloved rhetorically
by U.S. blowhards and propagandists.)
The outsiders the FBI relies on for spying and subversion are called “informants” (i.e. informers), a word coined by J. Edgar Hoover to try and avoid the taint of “informer.” It's a distinction without a difference. Hoover articulated a specious distinction between the two words, to ennoble his police state spies. But there isn't any difference. Except some of these so-called “informants” are actually agents provocateur. The media always obfuscates this fact too.
The outsiders the FBI relies on for spying and subversion are called “informants” (i.e. informers), a word coined by J. Edgar Hoover to try and avoid the taint of “informer.” It's a distinction without a difference. Hoover articulated a specious distinction between the two words, to ennoble his police state spies. But there isn't any difference. Except some of these so-called “informants” are actually agents provocateur. The media always obfuscates this fact too.
In the
case of CIA officer (employee) Aldrich Ames, who was caught selling information
to Russia on CIA operations there, including the identities of
Russian traitors working for the CIA, “the media” said over and
over that Ames“sold the names of American agents to Russia, which
executed them.” So the propaganda system converted Russian
traitors into American
agents, leaving the false and
inflammatory impression that Ames caused the deaths of fellow
Americans. This is not a defense of Ames, or a judgment on Russians
spying for the CIA and thus betraying their own country and
committing treason. It is just a statement of FACT. There is no moral
judgment required of us concerning Ames or of Russian CIA spies (traitors by any
definition, and you can apply your own attitude to treason here, that
is not the point of this essay) to see that the U.S. media's
completely dishonest and misleading mislabeling of Russian traitors
as “American agents” is designed to dupe the American public
about the facts of the matter. Yes, these Russian turncoats were
“American agents,” but refusing to explain the details
prominently, and consistently blaring with emphasis the “American
agents” mislabeling, obviously obfuscates reality for the targets
of this propaganda.
In this example, the U.S. media isn't
just lying by omission, but is also using tendentious and tricky
nomenclature designed to deceive (another common trick they employ).
Thus we were told over and over (and are still occasionally reminded)
that Aldrich Ames' “treachery” “led to the death of numerous
American agents.” Most people reading or hearing the words
“American agents” would naturally think that Americans
were killed as a result of Ames' “treason.” But in fact only
Russians were killed, Russian traitors that is. As Russian
citizens, their duty of loyalty (if you believe in such things) was
to Russia, and they committed the capital crime of treason, for which
they were duly tried and executed. By the way, treason is a capital
crime in the U.S. too.
The CIA's “American agents” weren't
Americans, but Russians who spied for the CIA, giving
away Russia's secrets. By persistently calling them “American
agents,” the U.S. media knowingly tricked people into believing
that Americans were killed because of Ames, and that these
victims were noble heroes, not traitors to their own country.
Not that I care. Russia, America, indeed nation states mean nothing to me. I believe that nations are antithetical to having a human race. And like Ames, the Russian “traitors” were likely doing it for the money, at least in some cases. Given the glorification of materialism in America, indeed the very word “success” is usually a euphemism for “making a lot of money,” I think Ames deserved to be cut some slack. But anyone who joins the CIA, an evil, criminal organization, deserves whatever he gets, except in the case of reformed whistle-blowers like the heroic Philip Agee, and others. Some of those Russian traitors aka "American agents" were perhaps ideologically deluded by resentment of their own oppressive system into falling for American propaganda about the "land of the free and the home of the brave" "we love democracy so much" and blah blah blah. If so, they were fools who paid a heavy price for their foolishness. The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Might be a temporary ally of convenience in some cases. (Like, say, oh, I don't know, the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. in World War II? Might that be a good example, hmmm?)
Not that I care. Russia, America, indeed nation states mean nothing to me. I believe that nations are antithetical to having a human race. And like Ames, the Russian “traitors” were likely doing it for the money, at least in some cases. Given the glorification of materialism in America, indeed the very word “success” is usually a euphemism for “making a lot of money,” I think Ames deserved to be cut some slack. But anyone who joins the CIA, an evil, criminal organization, deserves whatever he gets, except in the case of reformed whistle-blowers like the heroic Philip Agee, and others. Some of those Russian traitors aka "American agents" were perhaps ideologically deluded by resentment of their own oppressive system into falling for American propaganda about the "land of the free and the home of the brave" "we love democracy so much" and blah blah blah. If so, they were fools who paid a heavy price for their foolishness. The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Might be a temporary ally of convenience in some cases. (Like, say, oh, I don't know, the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. in World War II? Might that be a good example, hmmm?)
But then, the U.S. media's definition
of “patriotism” is loyalty to the U.S. Everyone in the
world is supposed to pay fealty to the U.S. Other nations don't have
patriots, or patriotism. They have “nationalists” and
Isn't language fun? You can do so many
things with it!
There are undoubtedly thousands upon
thousands of additional examples of American corporate media
mendacity employing the technique of lying by omission. I know I come
across such examples constantly, and have for decades. Find your own!
Collect them! Trade them with your friends!
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Gaza rockets,
Iran hostage crisis,
media lies,
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Wall Street Journal Plants Crosshairs On Snowden, Greenwald, Poitras
Notice I said "expose," not "leak." This wasn't a leak, some
anonymous transfer of info to the public by an insider. This was an expose by
a courageous, principled, and in terms of his personal fate,
unfortunately foolish or self-sacrificing, depending on how you view it,
person in a position to reveal scary police state surveillance.
In the Saturday June 29 edition of the Wall Street Journal, the leading U.S. paper of high finance and a consistently utterly reactionary editorial line, Obama is attacked for not "demanding" and "forcing" the Chinese and Russians to hand over Snowden. (Snowden has been in the Moscow airport arrival lounge for several days now.) They excoriate Obama for not picking up the phone and reading the riot act to Putin (and the Chinese boss too).
Even more sinister, there's an op-ed by known CIA operative Edward J. Epstein, who played a role in Nixon's overthrow (set up by the CIA) and in the frame-up of Lee Harvey Oswald for the JFK assassination. His op-ed darkly insists that Snowden "penetrated" Booz Allen Hamilton (and thus the NSA) according to an advance "plan" to infiltrate and "steal" "secrets." He accuses Glenn Greenwald and the documentarian Laura Poitras of possible involvement in a conspiracy to "steal" "national security secrets" namely "communications intelligence." This is very threatening to all three.
Already, deranged U.S. House Representative Peter King on TV has called for Greenwald's prosecution and slandered him by falsely claiming Greenwald threatened to reveal CIA officers' identities. Greenwald responded by pointing out that that's a flat falsehood- I would say probably a lie, that is, King probably knew it was false. King certainly hasn't corrected the public record or issued a retraction.
Poitras already is subject to fairly severe persecution by the U.S. Government, and has been for several years, for making documentaries on such subjects as Iraqi and Yemeni suffering at the hands of the U.S. Agree or disagree, she SHOULD have the right to pursue those topics, and the U.S. establishment PRETENDS she does, in fact they claim her right to do so is "guaranteed" by their Holy Constitution. Too bad their oaths to "defend and uphold it" are so much empty prattle. It really reveals the cynicism of their constant invocation of "legality" and "rule of law" and justifying their police state by saying it's "lawful." Their Blessed Constitution is supposed to be foundational law. And yet the parts that get in the way of their exercise of repressive power is trampled by their goons and enforcers daily. [The details on Poitras' persecution by U.S. police state goons are in her interviews at and elsewhere. Do a search.]
See more on the Snowden matter at Taboo Truths by Jason Zenith. Click the link in the sidebar at right. [And while you're at it, sign up for email alerts to this site, OK? Why not? What's it gonna hurt? I'm not gonna come to your house, you know! You probably don't think I'm good enough to come to your house, do you! What's that? Sure you do? Oh OK, I'll drop in sometime!]
In the Saturday June 29 edition of the Wall Street Journal, the leading U.S. paper of high finance and a consistently utterly reactionary editorial line, Obama is attacked for not "demanding" and "forcing" the Chinese and Russians to hand over Snowden. (Snowden has been in the Moscow airport arrival lounge for several days now.) They excoriate Obama for not picking up the phone and reading the riot act to Putin (and the Chinese boss too).
Even more sinister, there's an op-ed by known CIA operative Edward J. Epstein, who played a role in Nixon's overthrow (set up by the CIA) and in the frame-up of Lee Harvey Oswald for the JFK assassination. His op-ed darkly insists that Snowden "penetrated" Booz Allen Hamilton (and thus the NSA) according to an advance "plan" to infiltrate and "steal" "secrets." He accuses Glenn Greenwald and the documentarian Laura Poitras of possible involvement in a conspiracy to "steal" "national security secrets" namely "communications intelligence." This is very threatening to all three.
Already, deranged U.S. House Representative Peter King on TV has called for Greenwald's prosecution and slandered him by falsely claiming Greenwald threatened to reveal CIA officers' identities. Greenwald responded by pointing out that that's a flat falsehood- I would say probably a lie, that is, King probably knew it was false. King certainly hasn't corrected the public record or issued a retraction.
Poitras already is subject to fairly severe persecution by the U.S. Government, and has been for several years, for making documentaries on such subjects as Iraqi and Yemeni suffering at the hands of the U.S. Agree or disagree, she SHOULD have the right to pursue those topics, and the U.S. establishment PRETENDS she does, in fact they claim her right to do so is "guaranteed" by their Holy Constitution. Too bad their oaths to "defend and uphold it" are so much empty prattle. It really reveals the cynicism of their constant invocation of "legality" and "rule of law" and justifying their police state by saying it's "lawful." Their Blessed Constitution is supposed to be foundational law. And yet the parts that get in the way of their exercise of repressive power is trampled by their goons and enforcers daily. [The details on Poitras' persecution by U.S. police state goons are in her interviews at and elsewhere. Do a search.]
See more on the Snowden matter at Taboo Truths by Jason Zenith. Click the link in the sidebar at right. [And while you're at it, sign up for email alerts to this site, OK? Why not? What's it gonna hurt? I'm not gonna come to your house, you know! You probably don't think I'm good enough to come to your house, do you! What's that? Sure you do? Oh OK, I'll drop in sometime!]
Friday, June 14, 2013
Aljazeera Joins Attack on NSA Leaker
Aljazeera has joined the assault on
Edward Snowden, the cashiered Booz Allen Hamilton Corporation
computer systems administrator who exposed a couple of the “National
Security” Agency's hidden, massive surveillance programs that
surreptitiously seize the phone and Internet records of the American
public en masse.
Their Washington correspondent,
Kimberly Dozier, joining the U.S. media offensive against Snowden,
piled on, calling him a “liar,” because some U.S. politician
says so. The story was headlined by Aljazeera calling Snowden a
“liar.” (There's no substance to the smear.)
Yet Alajzeera doesn't call obvious,
proven liars, like James Clapper Jr, U.S. “Director of National
Intelligence,” liars. Clapper lied in Congressional testimony in
March when Senator Ron Wyden asked him directly if the NSA was
collecting data of Americans. Clapper said no. Then nervously added
“not advertently,” another lie. (Now that he was caught lying,
although the establishment media is too polite to point out the
blatant lie, Clapper says his lie was the “least untruthful”
thing he could have said, whatever the hell that is supposed
to mean. When the true answer is “yes” and you say “no,” that
is the MOST untruthful thing you can say. It is the exact opposite
of the truth.)
People like Clapper, and every head of
the NSA, ever, lie every time they speak. Their counterparts at the
major national and international secret police agencies, the FBI and
CIA, also chronically lie. Right now, the FBI boss, Robert S.
Mueller, III, is lying, claiming terrible damage to U.S. “security”
has been done, which is obvious nonsense. [1]
Aljazeera is owned by the monarchy of
Qatar, a U.S. ally. Nice of them to join the U.S. government side in
this, especially considering how the U.S. treats Aljazeera, bombing
their offices, kidnapping their employees, and much else. Ironically,
the NSA is part of the Pentagon, it's a military agency, always
headed by a general, and it's the U.S. military that keeps bombing
Aljazeera, in Kabul and Baghdad, and almost in Doha, Qatar- Tony
Blair managed to talk George Bush the Younger out of doing that. The
U.S. also reviles Aljazeera as terrorist propaganda, and U.S.
corporations have bent over backward to keep Aljazeera television out
of the U.S. But not out of Washington, D.C. Apparently the U.S.
Imperialist elite, including past Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
rely on it for information!
Kind of like if Heinrich Himmler had
kept a secret copy of the Torah for reference.
1] Mueller was also boss of the
FBI when the Al-Qaeda airliner kamikaze attacks of 9/11/01 occurred,
so most likely he was part of the conspiracy that was watching the
hijackers and deliberately allowed the attacks to occur, to enable
the subsequent power grab by the secret police agencies. To mention
just a few of the many facts that make this conclusion
inescapable: Zacarias Moussaoui, the “20th hijacker,”
was arrested before 9/11. French intelligence had told the U.S. he
was a “terrorist.” The Minnesota FBI asked FBI headquarters in
Washington for a FISA warrant to search Moussaoui's computer. HQ said
getting a warrant would be impossible. WHAT?! The FISA (Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act) court virtually never says no to
warrant requests. In its history (1979-2012 data) it has granted
almost 34,000 warrants and refused- hang on- eleven. That's
right, less than one out of every 3,000 get turned down.
Two of the hijackers were living in
California. Their landlord was an FBI informer. After 9/11, Congress
asked the FBI to present the informer and his FBI handler for
questioning. The FBI flatly refused. Congress slinked off with its
tail between its legs. Obviously the FBI had a lot to hide. The
incident also proves that the secret police are more powerful than
the national legislature. That's one definition of a police state.
(The FBI has always been more powerful than Congress. Historically,
part of that has been due J. Edgar Hoover's practice of assembling
blackmail dossiers on politicians. Another factor is the repressive
laws that Congress passes, and the way the FBI si allowed to ride
roughshod over alleged “Constitutional rights.”)
Mueller just came out with a stunningly
cynical and dishonest statement. Testifying to Congress on June 13th,
he invoked the 9/11/01 attacks, claiming that if the just revealed
NSA spy programs had been in effect then, they might have stopped the
attacks. He admitted that “intelligence agencies” (in the
description of the New York Times) was tracking one of the
hijackers [ of the ones living in the FBI informer-landlord's
place] and also looking at an Al-Qaeda safehouse in Yemen, and if
only they could have connected the two by seizing the phone records
of everyone in the U.S., they could have made the connection. How's
that for brazenness!
First of all, the NSA has ALWAYS spied on all overseas communications
as that is their official mission. So any phones in that “safehouse”
would have been automatically covered. And since the FBI had set up
the San Diego hijackers in their informers pad, their phones no doubt
were tapped, and probably the house was bugged too. Of course, the
U.S. media won't mention any of this.
Mueller knows that, which is what gives him the confidence to display
such breathtaking chutzpah.
[The NY Times
pretty much hid what happened in the committee hearing Mueller
appeared at. They buried the details in a long article about NSA boss
Alexander allegedly promising more openness. There is no hint in the
version of Mueller's appearance of conflict at the hearing between
Mueller and the Congressmen. I had to go to foreign media to find
that out- namely the Guardian.
See “FBI chief Mueller says spy tactics could have stopped 9/11 attacks, June 13th.]
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Genteel New York Times Turns Up Nose At Hoi Polloi Rabble Spoiling the Hamptons
The New York Times is nothing if
not bourgeois to the core. (Check out its “Styles” and “Home”
sections, where it's most obvious.)
Page One of the Sunday print edition is
the most prominent and important slot in the Times universe.
So it is reserved not just for what they consider the most important
breaking stories of the prior 24 hours, but also more general news
that they consider of particular significance and worthy of maximum
So here's a story from page one, Sunday
May 26, 2013, which I think lets us see a bit too much of the NYT's
class bias beneath its facade of “objectivity,” rather like a
glimpse of petticoat momentarily exposed beneath a lady's long skirt
by a careless movement of her leg: “As Boozy Invaders Hit Beach, Hamptons Sound a Snooki Alert.” The dateline is Amagansett, NY.
(Published online a day earlier, as with most NYT articles
these days.) [1]
The article take up another half page
inside, although that includes a large photo and a smaller one
(p.17). It's not worth reading, I can attest. I'll just point out the
prominent aspects of it, which is sufficient to make my point about
NY Times snobbery. [2]
The headline on the continuation inside
adds a word and deletes an “a:” “As Boozy Invaders Hit Beach,
Hamptons' Residents Sound Snooki Alert.” So it's basically the
Apparently the “Snooki” connection
is the purely hypothetical possibility that the TV show on
which “Snooki” appears might shoot an episode in the Hamptons,
based on the fact that they've gone to beaches in the state of New
Jersey. In fact,“Snooki” is only mentioned in passing until
the last two paragraphs of a 28 paragraph story, which is
mainly about angst over crowds in summer. (WOW! Beaches have crowds
in summer! Who knew? Stop the presses!!) Each of those
paragraphs consists of a single sentence. The upshot is apparently
that MTV has no plans to shoot in the Hamptons, but
they don't rule it out. So the headlines took a bit of pure
speculation as an excuse to use “Snooki” as a hook for the story.
Hey, that's just good editing! Shows how topical and relevant
and with it the NY T'imes is. I mean, just because the
paper is run by sycophantic apple-polishing dweebs, the kind of
people who were teachers' pets in school, doesn't mean it isn't hip
to pop culture. It knows how to go after the “youth demographic.”
Yeah, “Jersey Shore” watchers are sitting around in their
bathrobes on Sunday, sipping their home-made cappuccinos, reading the
NY Times, I'm sure. (To see what I mean about the kind of
people who run the NYT, check out their pictures online. I
think some can even be found at [3]
Then there's a subhead on p.17: “A
wealthy haven cringes at potential visitors from Jersey Shore.”
The besieged rich people are cringing at the invasion of their
haven. So it's Big News that some rich superparasites are in a
tizzy about some unwashed masses spoiling their exclusive retreat by
their mere presence on the beach. Apparently the ocean is properly
reserved for the sole enjoyment of billionaires like NY City mayor
Michael Billionaire Bloomberg and various multimillionaires. Wouldn't
want someone of a lower class spoiling the view.
Finally the caption description of the
large photo claims that it depicts “a rowdy crowd began showing
up [last year] at Indian Wells Beach in East Hampton, adding
to the crowds and transportation bedlam.” Bedlam! Look up
“bedlam” and see what it means. It's a fancy synonym for chaos,
with the added implication of madness.
I guess there were some traffic snarls, maybe even traffic jams.
Don't have a fainting spell, NYT! [4]
here's that photo. I can see what the NYT
how “rowdy” they
are? Look at all those people lying
there! And sitting! And even standing!!
And as
if that weren't bad enough, it looks like a couple of guys are
actually walking!!! Motion!
That's kinetic activity! Man, they're out of control! Call in the National Guard!
That's kinetic activity! Man, they're out of control! Call in the National Guard!
NYT, bible of the
bourgeoisie- we live
on this planet too. Get used
to it.
1] A little background for my
non-American and other readers who may be unfamiliar with some of
these terms. “Snooki” is the nickname of a “reality TV”
“star,” one Nicole Polizzi, on a show called “Jersey Shore”
on MTV, which presents a mixed gender group of young people who are
stereotypical New Jersey Italian-Americans, and by stereotypical I
mean gross caricatures of people who are derogatorily called
“guineas” in common parlance. (“Wops” is an even more
derogatory term.) The cast has the exaggerated mannerisms, speech
patterns and behavior of crude caricatures. “Snooki” is a short,
big-breasted character/cast member. Naturally these aren't refined or
sophisticated portrayals.
By the way, the only thing actually
Italian about most Italian Americans is their ancestry. The
Italian-American is really a type of person unique to the U.S. that
evolved here, same as Irish-American. They don't even speak their
ancestral languages. It's the same with African-Americans. These are
all varieties of Americans, with no more than vestigial
commonalities with the inhabitants of the lands of their mostly
distant ancestors. Thus they are pseudo-ethnic “identities.”
Yet their tribalism and conflicts between the groups are real. Like
religious conflict, which is similarly based on nothing- there are no
“gods,” and religious dogmas are virtually entirely myths from
start to finish. Thus is real economic and political competition
masked in both cases by
bullshit. [Which is not at
all to deny the grotesque racist oppression black Americans have been
subjected to, and their current imprisonment in the socio-economic
cellar of American society.]
“The Hamptons” is a series of
seaside towns on Long Island, New York, east of New York City, where
wealthy elitists congregate in the summers. (Amagansett, the dateline
on the story, is one of these towns.) The homes there cost many
millions of dollars, and summer rentals of those homes go for
hundreds of thousands a dollar per month.
These rich people are mostly based in
Manhattan, one of the five boroughs of New York City that includes
the financial district at the lower end of the borough (“Wall
Street,” which is an actual street) where the New York Stock
Exchange and New York Federal Reserve are located, along with various
financial firms. The rich themselves mostly live on the “upper east
side,” an area that is really more midtown geographically, and is
basically the area to the east of Central Park over to Lexington
Avenue, running north and south between about E. 60th and
E. 90th Streets. (The south and west sides of Central Park
are also areas of rich people. In fact more and more of Manhattan is
being colonized by the upper classes, including many non-citizens who
buy residences, helping squeeze out the “lower” classes, who
cannot afford multimillion dollar apartments or exorbitant rents.)
2] The NYT is what's
called a “broadsheet,” as opposed to “tabloid” newspapers,
which have a smaller format. A half-page of the NYT is about
12 x 11 inches, a relatively large acreage when on your lap.
3] To be “fair,” obviously
this story will be of gossipy interest to rich people, an important
part of the NYT's constituency. It's influence with such
people accounts for much of the NYT's power and influence. But
with a Sunday circulation of around a million (that's for the
physical print edition, the actual newspaper) most of the
readers are obviously not rich. They're just standing outside the
charmed realm of the bourgeois elite, with their noses pressed to the
glass, voyeuristically gazing at the imaginary perpetual dinner party
4] A day earlier, the web edition used the word "log jam" instead of bedlam. So they amped it up for Sunday print publication.
4] A day earlier, the web edition used the word "log jam" instead of bedlam. So they amped it up for Sunday print publication.
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Monday, May 20, 2013
None Dare Call It Terrorism
None in the U.S. media, that is. (And
not just the U.S. media.)
There have been constant bombings of
civilian targets for the past few weeks in Pakistan, Iraq, and
Afghanistan. Today's news:
Multiple car bombs in Baghdad and
Basra. 34 killed. Crowded markets, a restaurant, a bus stop targeted-
i.e. random civilians are the targets of this terrorism. Labeled
“sectarian violence” by U.S. and some other Western establishment
media. They “have taken Iraq back to the worst days' of the recent
past, says the BBC. “A horrific morning here in Baghdad.” Eight
explosions in Shiite areas, seven car bombs. Four targeted markets.
Bodies of ten people found, were kidnapped in Anbar province. And
policemen murdered at checkpoint. BBC puts the two week death toll at
200. “T” word not uttered however.
Another suicide bombing in Afghanistan,
this one killing a politician. A couple of days earlier another
bombing killed about a dozen. NPR affiliate WNYC says “a provincial
politician was killed after violence erupted.” [5/20/13 morning.]
That's how they describe a terrorist bombing- and using passive
verbs! No one killed or murdered anyone, rather the victim was
killed. No one was violent- violence erupted, like sunspots I
suppose. And there certainly aren't any terrorists.
“The” media feels to need to
explain why some bombings that kill civilians in public places are
“terrorism” and others that usually slaughter even greater
numbers are not. The only pattern I can discern is that the
victims have to be “white.” It's
not by location: of the numerous bombings in Indonesia by
Islamofascists there, the only “terrorist” bombing was the one
that killed Australian tourists. It's not by perpetrator: again, see
Indonesia. It's not by the death toll: only 3 were killed in Boston
last month, and none were killed by the goony “underwear bomber”
or the “Times Square bomber,” both
of whose bombs were duds.
But all three of those are “terrorist” bombings.
media keeps its criteria secret, as do the various Western
governments. If anyone can see any definition operating here other
than rank racism, I'd like to hear about it.
might try asking your favorite establishment media to explain this.
We can have fun with the predictably evasive and logically incoherent
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013
New York Times Confers Legitimacy On Taliban Terrorists
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Is it only terrorism when “white”
people are targets?
Or, more accurately, when the people or
country are white?
Either that, or the U.S. media better
explain what weird hidden political agendas drive its “coverage”
of violent events. Politically motivated bombings by the same Islamic
jihadists that the U.S. and its lackey nations and their media call
“terrorists” when they're assassinated by the U.S., or when those
groups try to blow up a couple of cargo planes with explosive printer
toner cartridges, or take down a passenger jet with explosive
underwear, are suddenly just “militants,” and their bombings
plain old bombings, not “terrorist bombings,” when the victims
are Pakistanis, or Nigerians, or Indonesians, or Turks. Same
political movement, same ideological motivation, same deliberate
murder of civilians, yet a different and lesser crime. Specifically,
a much less serious crime, since according to the
indoctrinational system, “terrorism” is the WORST POSSIBLE EVIL
IN THE WORLD. That's certainly the attitude that is inculcated in the
populace by the hysteria and outrage fed to us by Western bloc media.
But bombs in any of those places that
target U.S. embassies, as happened in Africa in 1998, or even
“Western” (i.e. “white”) tourists, are emphatically
and always “terrorism.”
There are examples of this glaring and
obvious double standard practically daily, which demonstrates that
this inexplicable and unexplained devaluing of certain victims is
routine and entrenched in U.S. establishment media.
Obviously it is intended that we don't even notice the double
standard, and that
if we do notice, we
just accept it as unremarkable, merely the natural order of things
requiring no explanation, much less justification. As for assuming we
wouldn't- or shouldn't- even notice; thanks for the insult to
our intelligence, propagandists!
Here are some examples on Sunday May
12th from two “prestige” media outfits, NPR, and the
crème de la crème of the U.S. bourgeois propaganda
system, the august New York Times.
At 5 pm EST (Eastern Standard Time, the
time zone of the east coast of the U.S., including Washington, D.C.,
New York City, and Boston, three important hubs of power), NPR led
with a story about the bombings yesterday in Turkey in a city
bordering Syria (Reyhanli, Turkey) with a large population of Syrian
refugees. The Turkish government was quick to blame the Assad regime.
(Probably correctly. That is, it's most likely a correct assumption.)
Even though much devastation was caused, at least 43 people were
killed and many injured, and the attack was obviously a wanton
assault on civilians, the words “terrorism,” “terror,” or
“terrorist” were not uttered in the story.
The next story starts by saying “the
biggest terrorist trial in Germany in a long time.” It's the trial
of a surviving member of a gang of neo-Nazi killers who went around
murdering Turks (and one Greek) in Germany for a decade, and planting
nail bombs (the poor man's cluster bomb- actually more like the poor
man's Claymore mine) in marketplaces that permanently maimed people,
to the indifference and hostility of the police, who brushed off the
murders as communal spats among Turks or criminal gang activity. It
wasn't until the Nazis made the mistake of killing a policewoman that
suddenly “the authorities” took it seriously. That's when the
German secret police when on a document destruction binge
(unmentioned by NPR, natch) to hide its apparent links to the Nazis.
Obviously they knew about them at the very least, and perhaps much
So why are some serial killings by a
gang of racist neo-Nazis in Germany “terrorism,” and large bombs
that devastate a town in Turkey not? You tell us, NPR.
Meanwhile the New York Times did
what it always does, demoting terrorism in non-elite countries to
some lesser level of evil. It did this in two different
articles this time. And in a third it couldn't seem to make up its
mind whether the violence was “terrorism” or mere “militancy.”
So it went with both.
First, on the front page, a story by
Declan Walsh about the election victory of a former Prime
Minister, Nawaz Sharif. [A corrupt, rich bastard, by the way, which
is to say a typical Pak PM, who was overthrown previously by the
military. Not because he was corrupt. Because he fired a couple of
generals. The nerve of the guy!] The Times sub-subhead reads
“Record Turnout Despite Taliban Attacks That Killed at Least 21.”
That would be 21 on election day itself, so it gives a false
impression of the true toll of the Taliban's terror campaign. And 21
is only about a third of the number the European Union says died that
day. 21 is seven times the number killed in the Boston
Marathon bombing, which was immediately labeled terrorism. The EU's
figure of 64 is 21 times
the death toll in Boston, which was 3. If you like, we could
do the math for the over 100 killed overall by the Taliban in its
attempt to stop the election. (The terrorism continues even after the
election is over.) Or the thousands they have murdered over the last
several years to impose their will and express their displeasure with
particular people or policies- like the schoolgirl they almost
succeeded in murdering on her way to school, to make the totally
reasonable point that girls should not be allowed to be
educated. And what better way to impose that sensible policy on other
people than by stopping a school bus at gunpoint and shooting a child
in the head?
(The last six paragraphs of the story
are devoted to Walsh getting expelled from Pakistan, because of his
“undesirable activities,” quoting the Paki “authorities.” As
of press time the NYT wasn't able to pry any further
explanation from the Pakis.) [1]
The article is mostly devoted to the
election itself and the background of Sharif, and how it might affect
the U.S. There is some reporting on the terrorism of the Taliban, who
are mentioned by name- but the word “terrorism” (or “terror”
or “terrorist”) does not appear. Instead we get “militant
movement” (referring specifically to the Taliban by name) and
“militant violence over the years.” Gee, when does it rise to the
level of terrorism?
Walsh even quotes a statement from two
days earlier (Friday, April 10th) by “the Taliban leader Hakimullah
Mehsud” (who by the way lives quite openly and moves about freely
in Pakistan, unmolested by the so-called authorities, a fact
unmentioned by the Times- hey
don't want the Paks to feel pressure to arrest an actual terrorist)
ordering his “commanders to attack the 'infidel system' of
democracy, warning that teams of suicide bombers would hit targets
across the country.” Said “targets” being entirely civilian in
nature, indeed chosen specifically for their political significance
and to terrorize
people away from voting. But that's not terrorism.
consider what may have been Walsh's weirdest paragraph:
the sense of a vibrant, if flawed, democracy was tempered by Taliban
attacks throughout the campaigning. [Not “terrorist” attacks,
note, even though these were attacks on civilians
for a stated political
purpose, to stop people from voting, by
terrorizing them.] The
militant [sic] movement's ability to derail campaigning, particularly
in the mountainous northwest, was taken as a signal that it has
evolved beyond its nihilistic guerrilla roots and has become a
powerful political insurgency bent on upending Western-style
democracy in Pakistan.”[“Ex-Premier Is Set To Regain power In
Pakistan Vote,” NYT,
Sun. May 12, 2013, pgs. 1 and 8, paragraph 22.]
So the
fact that its terrorism is successful
means it has “evolved beyond” its “nihilistic guerrilla roots”
and is now a “political insurgency”? What's the difference
between a “political insurgency” and a terrorist movement? Why
was the IRA “terrorist,” why was the PLO, why is Hamas? Indeed,
why was the ANC “terrorist”? (Dick Cheney, for one, still insists
it was.)
not referring to the Taliban as a “powerful political insurgency”
lend it legitimacy?
Sounds like a political movement. Which it is, albeit a violent one.
With totalitarian aims that include the utter abnegation of women.
And it uses terrorism to achieve its ends. Which is the only sensible
way to judge whether a group is “terrorist,” as opposed to the
U.S. method, which decides based on the ideology, goals, or economic
structure of an entity, or cynically to dovetail with some U.S.
political ploy of the moment. (Hence Cuba is officially “terrorist,”
says the U.S. State Department, keeper of the Official List of Which
Nations Are Terrorist.)
think what the Paki Taliban does- plants bombs to stop elections,
assassinates officials who call for reform in the vicious “blasphemy”
law used to persecute innocent Christians and others, shoots
schoolgirls in the head for going to school, and much more,
constitutes terrorism. The NY Times
evidently does not, for some odd reason.
also the characteristic mealy-mouthed passive voice, “taken as a
signal.” By whom? Declan never says. I would guess by the NYT,
for whatever bizarre reason. And what is “nihilistic guerrilla
roots” other than an example of contorting oneself into a verbal
pretzel to avoid the
word “terrorist”?
wonder why Hezbollah isn't “a powerful political insurgency” that
has “evolved beyond its nihilistic guerrilla roots” instead of
being a “terrorist” organization? Why isn't Hamas, which actually
governs territory, and doesn't bomb
polling places to try and stop elections? And what are we to make of
FARC as “terrorist.” They've never engaged in suicide bombings,
or bombings of crowds of civilians simply to cause mayhem and kill
random strangers. In fact, they laid down their arms and tried to
participate in elections some years back, and the Colombian
bourgeoisie proceeded to double-cross them and sic its fascist death
squads on them, murdering their candidates. Those are the same people
who systematically slaughter labor organizers and honest journalists,
with U.S. support.
can it be claimed that the NYT
is merely slavishly hewing to the U.S. Government line and calling
“terrorist” only those orgs that the State Department puts on its
“terrorist list.” I'm assuming, perhaps wrongly, that the Paki
Taliban is on that list. (It sure should be.) But the Iranian
terrorist group MEK, which has killed Americans, most certainly was
on that list. But it still
wasn't “terrorist.” Rather, it was “on the State Department
list of terrorist organizations” or “listed by the State
Department as a terrorist organization.” Notice the difference.
When it came to MEK, being on “the list” was a legal
technicality. And a technicality with no import, as a slew of U.S.
politicians, including Fearless Terrorism Fighter Rudolph Giuliani,
who provided material support to, and received lavish speaking fees
from MEK, can attest to, given the lack of prosecution for their
obviously illegal activities. [2]
point is that while affecting a tone of neutral, objective reportage,
the NY Times and
other outlets of corporate state propaganda are presenting an almost
funhouse mirror distortion of the world, an image warped by their
secret, almost inscrutable hidden political and ideological agendas.
Figuring out the motives and inner workings of the U.S. media is akin
to Kremlin-watching. At times keeping up with who are the demons and
who are okay is like playing Simon Says, with the media telling
people who to love and hate, according to today's alliances of
convenience and temporary political gambits by the U.S.
of this should be taken to mean that I defend or endorse Hamas or
Hezbollah, or FARC. But nor can I say they are all good or all bad. I
prefer to be objective and not be forced to boo or cheer on the
command of the rulers of the U.S. to suit their
own interests, which
they define as the national interest. In fact, ultimately what goes
under the rubric of U.S. “national interests” are the class
interests of the top layer of the corporate elite and megarich
individuals. The rest of us just pay the taxes and fight the wars,
while they tell us we have to sacrifice more to maintain their empire
for them. This is called “patriotism.” To object is disloyalty,
or treason, or “supporting terrorism.” Such is life in a Free
that “vibrant, but flawed” Paki democracy, it turns out that in
some districts more ballots were cast than there are registered
voters. A mere “flaw,” I suppose. Hey, nobody's perfect!
few words about the NYT
equating of elections with democracy, indeed a “vibrant democracy.”
Of course this is nonsense. Pakistan is no more a democracy, which
would be a country where the government actually has to answer to the
people and where ultimate power rests with the people, than the U.S.
is. In Pakistan cliques of rich people vie with one another for state
power, similar to what the GOP and Democrats [sic!]
represent here. Plus, in Pakistan, the civilian government doesn't
even control the military. And as Mao Zedong so
depressingly observed, “political power flows out of the barrel of
a gun.” Which he thought was a good thing. Of course
he was a thug who lusted for power his whole life, the more power the
better. [3]
second article in the Sunday paper (p.12) was “Car Bombings Kill
Dozens in Center of Turkish Town Near the Syrian Border.” “At
least” 43 were killed. An accompanying photo shows blackened
buildings with their facades blown off. But they weren't “terrorist
bombings.” The “T” word appears nowhere in that article either.
This is the same story as on NPR I mentioned near the beginning, the
terrorist attack on the city of Reyhanli.
Turkey, after car bombings on Saturday May 11th.
Not terrorism,
to the New York
the third article the Times
gets sloppy and seems to use “militant” and “terrorist”
synonymously, something I've never noticed in the paper before. In
fact, usually the two words never so much as appear in the same
article. This is also on p. 12 and concerns the arrest in Egypt of
“three militants with ties to Al Qaeda [so why aren't they
“terrorists”?? Obama KILLS people with such “ties”] who were
planning terrorist [AH! there it is] attacks in Egyptian cities and
against a foreign embassy,
the interior minister said Saturday.” (My italics.) That's most of
the first paragraph.
a “foreign embassy” was a target. Guess which country's? That
might be a hint to why these “militants” were going to commit a
“terrorist” attack. If it was just some Egyptians in a
marketplace getting blown up- feh,
that's just a bombing, not a terrorist
think I understand. The attacks in Egyptian cities, i.e. against
Egyptian civilians, would have merely been “bombings,” acts of
“militancy.” Whereas attacking an (U.S., perhaps, NYT?) embassy
would be terrorism.
Hence some of their attacks would be acts of “militancy,” and
some “terrorism,” depending on the target. Some would be tragic
news from a faraway land, others would be moral outrages, occasions
for high dudgeon requiring the U.S. to kill somebody, somewhere.
The next day, Monday, (May 13th)
NPR and the NY Times are still hewing to what's obviously an
editorial policy on when and when not to use the T word. (A policy
that per standard establishment media practice is never explained to
their targets, namely us.) Bright and early on NPR's “Morning
Edition,” the regular presenter Steve Inskeep has a chat
with- what do you know!- Declan Walsh of the NY Times.
The same Walsh who just got kicked out of Pakistan and wrote
the first article I discussed. He says of the just-concluded
elections there, “there was a very strenuous campaign of violence”
by “militants.” That would be a reference to the bombings,
shootings, kidnappings, and constant bloodcurdling threats by the
Taliban terrorists that killed “over 125” in the last month of
campaigning, we're told. [According to the EU, 64 people were
murdered just on election day- that apparently wasn't included in
Walsh's total. BBC reported this later the same morning.] So he's
sticking to the script.
Walsh further explains to Inskeep (and
us) that the “Taliban” “abandoned the democratic process.”
Abandoned? When did they uphold it?
They do have front parties with the same demented ideology. Does he
mean those parties didn't run? I've heard nothing about that.
Certainly if they didn't run, it would have been because they were
ordered not to, or like the Taliban, suddenly believe that
“democracy” is “UnIslamic,” as the Taliban have announced in
justifying their terrorism-enforced edict that there should be no
elections and no one better vote- or else.
I can see why the terrorists would
prefer Pakistan's traditional military dictatorships. The Pak
military has been very very good for Islamic terrorists. They
actually were created as a nominally covert arm of the Pak military
to attack India, especially the Indian province of Kashmir, as well
as do other dirty work. By the way, Kashmir was actually divided into
three, with about the same land area going to India, China, and
Pakistan. For some reason the U.S. media never tells you that. I
guess it's to support U.S. policy of telling India- Hey, just give
Pakistan your part of Kashmir. Then you guys can be friends.
As if.
But I'll bet you the Pakis never try
and pull their terrorism shit on China!
These days the Paki Taliban are feeling
their oats, and thinking they should be running the show, not the
ISI. The terrorists' ultimate goal is to take over Pakistan
themselves, and its nuclear weapons arsenal. Meanwhile their
ideological soul mates are trying to take over Afghanistan again, and
have only recently been beaten back from taking over Mali and
Somalia, at least temporarily.
So what should the U.S. media do? It
should either use the word “terrorism” and its variants in a
consistent, even-handed, objective manner, like actual journalists
would do, or refrain from using the word at all if it is hopelessly
tainted by its use as a political and ideological bludgeon against
official enemies. But since the U.S. media is the propaganda arm of
the corporate oligarchy, an oligarchy which is served by the U.S.
Government (and by the 50 individual state governments as well) this
will not happen. So it is up to us to be constantly skeptical and
critical of the propaganda system to avoid being duped and
brainwashed by it. That's more work than just being able to trust.
(Hello there, welcome to the adult world!)
We live in interesting times. It is
morally and ethically challenging to defend human values and not just
throw in with either global imperialists or fanatical primitives.
This requires resisting easy thinking. I offer my analyses to you to
help you in this worthwhile endeavor.
1] He and the NY Times
can be thankful they get privileged treatment. They aren't murdered,
the way journalists get murdered in Pakistan by the ISI, or the way
the U.S. military and U.S.-backed governments of Mexico, or
Colombia, or Yemen assassinate them. Nor do NY Times employees
get kidnapped and imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay like an Aljazeera
employee was, where his captors pumped him for info on Aljazeera's
inner workings and tried to force him to agree to be a spy for them
in order to be let out of his cage in Gitmo and go home to his wife
and children. Nor does the President of the United States call up a
foreign government to demand that their reporters be locked up in
prison, as Obama as done with the Yemeni journalist who revealed a
civilian massacre in Yemen by a U.S. aerial attack. (Of course he was
tortured also.)
2] Yet the Supreme
Court recently ruled that if lawyers were to give free advice
to the “terrorist” Tamil Tigers (since exterminated by the Sri
Lankan rulers and army, along with a large number of Tamil civilians
held hostage by the Tigers) on how to renounce terrorism and
legalize themselves, that would be “material support for a
terrorist organization” and subject to criminal prosecution. This
is the kind of mind-twisting hyper-hypocritical double standard the
U.S. legal system subjects us to. Obviously U.S. law is purely and
simply an instrument of political power. Their judges are left to
twist themselves into logical pretzels to give a judicial imprimatur
to the cynical calculations of state power.
The MEK is A-okay, because
influential politicians support them, and they help out in planting
bombs in movie theaters in Tehran and other chores, such as
assassinations, and spying on the regime for Israel and the U.S.
(Gee, spying on one's own country for foreign powers, and hostile
ones at that? Isn't that high treason? Nah, it's patriotism, because
they're doing it for US.)
See, in order to wind up in
prison (or dead), you have to be connected to a group the U.S.
really doesn't like. Like charities that try and help the
Palestinians and Lebanese subjected to Israeli bombardment and so
forth. These are said to be “linked” to the “terrorist” Hamas
and Hezbollah. Hey, if you get an email from someone on a U.S.
shitlist, you're “linked to terrorism.” That's not an
exaggeration. That's exactly the kind of “link” that is
cited by the media, between Major Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter
who killed 13 soldiers in 2009, and the now late Anwar al-Awlaki- aka
Scourge of Yemen, to hear the U.S. media tell it. Why, his very genes
are evil, thus they needed to bump off his 16 year old son in a
restaurant two weeks after they offed al-Awlaki. [No, no, I'm not
“defending” al-Awlaki. But anyone who defends government
assassinations as routine policy is defending the most sinister form
of oppressive state power.]
There are people rotting in
U.S. prisons right now for donating to the wrong charity. Viewing the
wrong website will get you on a terror suspect list too. Such
unhealthy interest has been used as evidence in U.S. courts to
convict people of “terrorism,” including for translating jihadist
statements. (The ACLU was appalled by that last case, but they're
terrorist sympathizers, of course, so who cares? Anyway, the ACLU has
been a target of FBI and CIA infiltration going back decades, so
they're a known “enemy” of the secret police, and thus
Cutting off any and all
economic and humanitarian aid to the Palestinians- especially the
ones living under Hamas- has long been U.S. policy. Palestinian
political activists were persecuted by the Clinton regime for years
for the crime of handing out leaflets that said the wrong things.
(Namely pro-Palestinian things that of course highlighted Israeli
oppression.) American Jews on the other hand are encouraged to
contribute hundreds of millions of dollars annually to finance
“settlement expansion,” i.e. the sacred mission by Jewish
religious fundamentalists of “re”claiming the Land of Israel (as
they imagine it), rightly theirs because “God” promised it to
them. (So why doesn't “God” get rid of the Palestinians? Send in
a flood or a hoard of locusts or a leprosy epidemic or something?
Never mind, that must be an “anti-Semitic” question.) That's on
top of the several billion a year in free money that all U.S.
taxpayers are compelled to give to Israel to buy high tech U.S.
weapons to bomb hospitals in Gaza with white phosphorous (see the
Goldstone Report etc. if you think I'm making that up) shoot kids who
throw rocks, (and non-violent protesters who don't) and so on.
Israel, it's rarely mentioned, so therefore needs to be mentioned
more often, is the top recipient of U.S. foreign aid. And those are
grants, not loans.
Oh, but those horrible Hamas
and Hezbollah are such religious fanatics! And they're suicide
bombers! (Unlike World War II Japanese kamikaze pilots.) And they
want to impose Sharia! (Whatever that is.) They cut off
people's hands! (Our Saudi “allies” only cut off people's heads.
What, the jihadists do that too? That's different! They're the Bad
Guys. And besides, they videotape it! Anyway the Saudis only behead
people who deserve it, like drug dealers and foreign maids.)
And they oppress women!
(True enough, and they're loathsome for it, and for their general
totalitarianism and imposing their religious CRAP.)
After all, the U.S.
establishment cares so much about the oppression of Muslim
women! Why wouldn't they? Hey, look at how the U.S. insists on
equality for women in its own society! That's why women make just as
much money as men for the same jobs. And half the members of Congress
are women. And half the Fortune 500 companies are headed by women,
What's that? None of that is
true? Far from it?
So what!
To quote the Great Man
Himself, Ronald Reagan, “facts are stupid things.” They're stupid
because they keep contradicting ideology, which is Truth
Itself. (RR, GOP Convention speech, .)
3] Regarding
the attitude of the U.S. government and corporate media towards
elections. Their attitude is either to use the ritual of elections to
validate as legitimate some oppressive government it supports, or
slams elections as shams when they're in countries whose regimes they
don't like, for economic or political reasons. For example, the NYT
and the rest of the gang regularly held the “elections” that the
PRI staged during its 75-year one-party dictatorship in Mexico. Only
after the PRI's monopoly on power was broken did there start to creep
into Timesland oblique references to past, shall we say, a
taint of unfairness in Mexico's electoral process. And
the elections of fascist state terror dictatorships, like “South”
Vietnam under the rule of various generals, or El Salvador in the
1980s, where people were herded to the polls under a state reign of
terror, are treated as if they're actual free and fair elections
occurring in normal democratic lands. [See the book Demonstration Elections, by Herman and Brodhead, for example.] Japan is another
example of a long-time one-party dictatorship that only recently has
loosened up some, but to no avail in terms of real change in the
power structure or social order.
On the other hand, perfectly
legitimate elections that produce winners the U.S. doesn't like- such
as in Venezuela since Hugo Chavez first won, or the Sandinistas in
Nicaragua (after they overthrew Somoza), or Hamas among the
Palestinians, running against the corrupt and venal PLO (now inflated
into the grander-sounding Palestinian Authority, to which the
Israelis have subcontracted repression in the West Bank, which helps
Israel assassinate “militants,” and whose “security forces”
are trained by those avatars of human rights, the CIA)- those
elections are dismissed with contempt as shams or as somehow
unfair.(Why, U.S. elections are perfectly fair! Even
when five political apparatchiks on the Supreme Court do the
electing! Just ask the U.S. media!)
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